Greta Thunberg: The face behind the climate youth strike

As a global society, it’s safe to say that climate change has been the elephant in the room at large political summits with potential actions but a whole lot of fake promises. And with hundreds of reports released on our planet’s state, it seems as though all this talk about our planet has kept reaching …

Water You Doing for Earth Day?

Are you going to turn off the lights in your house for an hour? Will you try to use fewer plastics, just for a day? Or will you get involved and start your own initiative to add to the contributions of millions worldwide? Do whatever you choose. But, if you feel that you are unable …

Our Battle With Climate Change Just Became More Real

When people come together to support a cause, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Lines and lines of people protesting for a cause? Marching up to a Town Hall to demand action? How about a giant inflatable Earth tossed around in the streets? Well, maybe not that last part. In Australia, thousands and …

Evolution: the struggle against extinction

Charles Darwin is considered to be the “founding father of evolution,” and much of his work has enabled present-day scientists to study evolution. Darwin’s work offered insight into how cumulative selection pressures can lead to the natural selection of more useful traits over a given period of time. Being in the right place with the …

2040 is on its way and fast

Sometimes a step in the right direction is enough initiative to get the ball rolling. Other times it may be well regarded, but the part where words turn into actions might have come a little too late. This could very well be an excellent example of our climate change situation. Will our efforts ever be …

Say hello to a tax and goodbye to greenhouse gases

Greenhouse gases (GHGs) have people of recent generations worried about the health of our planet. Almost every week, we hear about contributions that political leaders of countries try to make to address the daunting elephant in the room. But as our world continues along its current path, the thought of operating without any emissions seems quite …