Sometimes a step in the right direction is enough initiative to get the ball rolling. Other times it may be well regarded, but the part where words turn into actions might have come a little too late. This could very well be an excellent example of our climate change situation. Will our efforts ever be enough?
The short answer to that question seems to be ‘no’. This climate change issue is one that has taken many by surprise, and all kinds of statistics are starting to worry ordinary people like you and me as well as renowned environmentalists. At times, it seems like no matter what we do we won’t be able to mend the hole that we have sown. While this may stand to be true, it is essential that we continue to take the initiative and show how much we care about our planet.
Just yesterday, an interesting article came out in the New York Times that describes a rather severe crisis potentially visible as early as the year 2040. Scientists claim that vast portions of coral reefs could die by the time 2040 rolls around. Furthermore, people have found that at the continued use of greenhouse gases, the earth’s temperature could rise by 1.5˚C. Now, this may not seem like anything to you but you should note that considerable damage can be done should the earth warm by this temperature.
The Paris Climate Accord came about in such a time to give millions the thought that it was the light at the end of the tunnel. While it could be, it can’t unless it carries the support of large well sought after nations. We are aware that President Trump has expressed the lack of interest that he has in the matter, and this is worrisome as the US is the second largest greenhouse gas emitter behind the Chinese powerhouse. However, the accord never fails to draw attention to urgent issues like our climate battle, a demon which seems so impossible to ward off.
The Nobel Prize in Economics is something that ties into this topic of climate change rather nicely. The prize was awarded today to two individuals in the US: William D. Nordhaus from Yale University and to Paul M. Romer from NYU Stern School of Business. Both of these men have designed methods to address issues on how we create “long-term sustained and sustainable economic growth”. However, Dr. Nordhaus’ work focuses a bit more on the aspect of climate change where he “integrates climate change into long-run macroeconomic analysis”. This goes to show that work is being done, but it would be in everyone’s best interest to continue forward with a similar mindset and attitude.
For the millenniums reading this, consequences that could possibly be visible by 2040 are within our lifetime. Do you want to be a witness to something so awful? I hope you don’t and that you will take actions to prevent such a disaster. Every contribution matters in the same manner as every degree matters.
Interested in knowing how much hotter your hometown is that it was when you were born? Here is a cool link if you are interested.
Nicely written! love the informations.
Thank you! Also, let me know if there’s a topic you’d like me to cover, I’m open to suggestions!
I like your blog !! It’s really amazing !
Thank you, I’m glad you like it!