Specifics of the coronavirus protein and receptor

Membrane Protein Structures of S Protein and ACE2 Receptor S protein is a homotrimer classified as a type I transmembrane protein and a class I viral fusion protein (Huang et al. 2020; Pillay 2020). S consists of two main subunits, S1 and S2. The globular head contains the S1 N-terminal RBD which is used in …

The importance of health literacy

Let’s face it, COVID-19 has snatched something or another from all of us. But, it’s also done something pretty important: it’s brought the focus and attention to our public health systems. It has also exposed the relationship between said system and our society especially, when it comes to doing the right thing with access to …

The Hierarchy of Power

Maybe it’s because I’m a woman. Maybe it’s because I’m a minority. Maybe it’s because I’m a teenager and I’m still in school. Maybe it’s because I’m “not old enough” or that I “don’t have enough experience”. Around us, wherever we go, the presence of a societal hierarchy of power can always be felt. It …

Graduating from high school during a pandemic

I have only ever been to two graduations in my entire life. Both of them were eighth-grade graduations: mine in 2016 and my sister’s in 2018. June 2020 was a signal of my upcoming graduation from high school; however, much like the rest of my fellow Class of 2020 students from my school and around …